The detail that most people miss when talking about chaos, is that it's not nearly as random as we think. There is order in chaos. There are natural laws that hold the universe in alignment, and it wants to find symmetry. Sometimes we just need to take a step back so that we can see the big picture.

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Chaos plays great in politics, up to a certain point. It becomes like the point of diminishing returns in economics. In this instance the more and more you add to the chaos, at some point your contunued chaos wont have its desired result.

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This is why objectivity and thinking broadly really come into play. The adversary will throw everything it can at us so that we are so bogged down with information that we can’t tell what is real and worth our energy and what is just static. People can be intellectually lazy and unwilling to take the time to think critically enough to see the ever present patterns emerging in real time.

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